Sunday, 7 September 2008

Let's get motivated!

Happy New Year! A new school year that is. For some reason this is when I think about getting my life more organized, making goals, etc. Years of going to school have made me feel motivated come September. So what do I plan to do? I think I’ll start by cleaning out the basement (it’s too cold to down there to do it in winter and I don’t want it on my spring cleaning list), finish a couple quilts (at least the tops), get going on my Christmas knitting, and bake for school lunches at least once a week. Oh, and of course work out at least three times per week, keep the house clean and tidy, make good meals and all the other stuff. See how it sounds all New Year’s resolution-y? That’s what I got from our education system.

Of course, putting this plan in action requires all kinds of help. The main thing is making time for everything so I’ll start by making sure I’m getting a good night’s sleep, but not too much sleep. I’ll take charge of my sleeping life with Sleep: The Mysteries, the Problems, and the Solutions by Carlos H. Schneck. Schneck is a respected researcher in the field and his book deals with common sleep disorders and the more unusual. So it should be interesting reading too.

To keep us well fed I’ll be reading The Good Food Book for Families. I think I’ll also check out Whining and Dining. Both of these books contain recipes for meals for fussy eaters and good nutrition. The Good Food Book for Families also assigns responsibilities to both parents and children. The parents are responsible for providing the food and the children are responsible for eating it. This isn’t a license to make any food you like without taking children’s taste in to account, but it is liberating in that you don’t have to cater precisely to your children’s taste buds. Instead the emphasis is on making good healthy, tasty, and balanced meals while ensuring that some components are well liked. If they fill up on the potatoes and peas and only sample the main dish, but are full and happy, you’ve done your job.

Ronni Eisenberg has written two books Organize Yourself and the follow-up Organize Your Life: Free Yourself From Clutter and Find More Personal Time which sound like they should be able to get me on track with the my household organization and give me time for those projects I want to work on. Just in case they aren’t enough I’m going to try Life Lessons for Busy Moms: 7 Essential Ingredients to Organize and Balance Your World. It’s interesting that this book is written by a man, but perhaps he has some insights that we overlook. There are many, many other books to help you get your life organized but these titles caught my eye. Wait! I just might have to read Find More Time: How to Get Things Done at Home, Organize Your Life, and Feel Great About It. I’m thinking these books will have to fill the role of my relaxing reading time. I’ve got the first three books on my desk as we speak and I think I’ll start with Organize Your Life. The cover illustration is an appealing pile of sticky notes and it’s calling me.

Overall, I couldn’t be happier that Fall has come. I know many people feel sad at the end of summer, but as you may have guessed I’ve been waiting for this seasonal change. I love the smell in the air and the cool mornings. Today I’m energized to complete my goals and hopefully my next Library Detective will show how I’ve met those goals and how my resources have aided me.

Enjoy your fall and winter, I know I will.

Ruth Hamlin-Douglas, Children's and Youth Services Librarian at the Brodie Resource Library –

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