Wednesday, 9 February 2011

Sunday February 6th, 2011 Chase Away the Blues with a Green Thumb

I’m not sure what it is about February but I always find it to be the longest month of the year. I know, I know. It’s the shortest month but for whatever reason in my perception it is the longest. Perhaps it is the winter doldrums. The excitement of the first fallen snow of November has long worn down. The busy gregariousness of the Christmas season is only now reflected in your credit card bill. The celebration and anticipation of the New Year and of new beginnings is demonstrated only in the failing to keep this year’s resolutions. Ho Hum!

So what do I do to combat these blues? I dream about spring. I think about green grass, green leaves, and the sprouting of new plants. Yes, I am a gardener. I love sticking my hands into the warm soil, nurturing my tiny little plants to fruition. I love the feeling of satisfaction when I can harvest what I have grown not to mention the joy I get when I eat it. Ah, spring. What can better cure those mid winter blues than a little garden planning?

Perhaps you are interested in planning a kitchen garden or only have a small space to grow your plants. GROW GREAT GRUB: ORGANIC FOOD FROM SMALL SPACES by Gayla Trail is a beautiful resource. The book is divided into three distinct sections. The first outlining what is needed with regards to containers, types of plants, and organic fertilizing techniques. The second section is dedicated to types of plants one might want to grow and the third section focuses on how to store your fruit and vegetables once they are harvested. This book is full of visual aides, amazing ideas and great recipes.

Do you live on land that is comprised primarily of rocks and clay? Raised beds are a fantastic solution to battling with the earth elements. RAISED BED VEGETABLE GARDENING MADE SIMPLE: THE THREE-MODULE HOME VEGETABLE GARDEN by Raymond Nones is a fairly comprehensive guide to planning and building raised beds. He discusses soil preservation techniques, different planting methods, crop rotation and winter preparation. This book has charts and diagrams to help with the planning, building and maintaining of your raised beds. And for those of you that have problems with rabbits and deer. He has some clever solutions to that as well.

Herbs have been used for medicines, flavouring and beauty products throughout history. My herb garden is a favourite place for my bees to visit in the summer. The fragrance of marjoram, basil, oregano and chives rising in the heavy heat of summer always inspires me in the kitchen to create a culinary masterpiece. THE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF HERBS: A COMPREHENSIVE REFERENCE TO HERBS OF FLAVOR AND FRAGRANCE by Arthur O. Tucker and Thomas DeBaggio outlines over one hundred different herbs in great detail. This book will tell you the various names the herb in known by, growing conditions needed by the plant, culinary and esthetic uses and so much more.

These are only three of the many books one can discover at your local library. Resources with regards to lawn care, butterfly gardens, flower beds, landscape techniques and more can assist you’re planning desires. Combat those winter blues dreaming of the green of spring. Happy gardening!

Cindy Visser-DiCarlo, Supply Staff

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