Anything you can be, I can be greater. Sooner or later, I'm greater than you. ANYTHING GOES/ANYTHING YOU CAN DO is a mash-up of Anything Goes from the musical of the same name and Anything You Can Do from the musical Annie Get Your Gun. It is performed in the first episode of Glee’s third season, The Purple Piano Project. The song has a way of staying with you. Being better is amazing. The point is not to be better than anyone else, just better than you were before. The wish list could be anything: laugh more, learn a new language, fix something, set up a surprise party, be a better leader, take better pictures, train for a marathon. There are no limits. Reality is, Thunder Bay Public Library can help you do anything better. Dr. Wayne Dyer, author of THE SKY’S THE LIMIT and PULLING YOUR OWN STRINGS says, “True nobility is not about being better than anyone else it’s about being better than you used to be.”
BETTER UNDER PRESSURE: HOW GREAT LEADERS BRING OUT THE BEST IN THEMSELVES AND OTHERS is by Justin Menkes who, while drawing on interviews with sixty CEOs from a variety of industries, shows that great leaders not only maximize their own potential but also encourage others to achieve success.
THE BETTER ANGELS OF OUR NATURE: WHY VIOLENCE HAS DECLINED by Steven Pinker and available as an electronic resource, was selected by The New York Times as a Notable Book of the Year. The main premise of the book is that violence has been decreasing over the millennia and that we may now be living in the most peaceful of times.
BETTER TOGETHER written by Sheryl and Simon Shapiro is a book of children’s poems that explores the concept of combining things to make something better. Cinnamon and sugar make yummy toast; children with varying skills make a stronger team; and different instruments make beautiful music … all things better than they were before. Simple yet poignant.
BETTER BOOKS! BETTER READERS!: HOW TO CHOOSE, USE AND LEVEL BOOKS FOR CHILDREN IN THE PRIMARY GRADES by Linda Hart-Hewins and Jan Wells is part of the Parent/Teacher collection. Based on the premise that practice makes perfect, the book proposes a way to make reading enjoyable for children of all reading levels.
BETTER FOOD FOR KIDS by Joanne Saab offers nutritional information and exciting new recipes such as baked vegetable frittatas and breakfast fruit smoothies.
150 BEST JOBS FOR A BETTER WORLD by the Editors at JIST Publishing and Lawrence Shatkin explores the idea of making the world a better place by doing good for others as well as for yourself. The jobs listed have one thing in common; they leave a positive imprint on the world.
PUPPY CHOW IS BETTER THAN PROZAC: THE TRUE STORY OF A MAN AND THE DOG WHO SAVED HIS LIFE by Bruce Goldstein retells how a man, down and out turns his life around when Ozzie an exuberant black lab pup enters his life with selflessness and loyalty.
GRAMMAR GIRL QUICK AND DIRTY TIPS FOR BETTER WRITING by Mignon Fogarty, a.k.a. Grammar Girl, makes it her goal to obliterate bad grammar, but in a fun way. Two years ago she created a weekly podcast to address peoples’ most common errors, and these have been downloaded more than twenty million times.
These along with hundreds of other titles of the same genre can be found by searching the TBPL catalogue and databases for books, magazines, articles, DVD’s, audiobooks and E-books. And you can also peruse the suggested reading lists and new releases.
Feeling better already? Excellent.
Caron E. Naysmith
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