Sunday, 25 November 2012

Sunday Novmeber 25, 2012 The Long Count

It’s a month until a proposed end cycle for this world has supposedly been calculated to end. You may have heard it referred to as the End of the Mayan Long Count. This is a contested date for many reasons, ranging from ancient alien encounters to brain wave synchrony with god-like beings. But as Giorgio Tsoulakos claims, these weren’t actually gods, but “flesh and blood extraterrestrials.”

The claim that ancient aliens influenced ancient Sumerians, Indians, Central and South Americans and may have influenced European megalithic is apparently evidenced through rock art, monuments, language influences and legends. An excellent introduction to this field of research is the History Channel’s series, Ancient Aliens. Season Three has just finished production but the Thunder Bay Public Library has Season’s One and Two.

If you want to go deeper into the mystery, there are many options available. Some authors such as David Childress and Erich von Daniken are featured on the series, but they also have their own books available. Childress wrote Extra-terrestrial Archeology (1995) and Lost Cities and Ancient Mysteries of South America (2003).

Erich von Daniken is a well-known name in the Ancient Alien field. His early book, Chariots of the Gods, originally published in 1968 and since then has been reprinted and sold millions of copies.

Of course, these authors need fuel for their fire, and because the nature of their theory is ancient civilization, it is easy to find a lot of the text sources that the authors use. The Mahabarata, for instance, contains information that some theorists claim refers to flying saucers called by ancient Indians, Vimana. Out of curiosity, an interested person could read translations of the Mahabarata. In fact, the whole Dewey section known as “the 200s” contains information from all sorts of ancient religious cultures.

But if legends are not enough to confirm credulity, a dedicated researcher could look into how an intergalactic civilization could get to earth. One possibility is via wormholes. This would be, say, two gravitational points in space-time that, via gravitational contact, create a conduit beyond space-time that could potentially act as a tunnel for travel across the universe. But how does a UFO do such a thing? According to the Ancient Alien theorists, the Mahabarata states that the Vimanas functioned by spinning a heavy metal, such as mercury, so that it would create its own gravito-electric field/time warp.

A positive thing about such theorizations, and this one in particular, is the date stamp on the event. This upcoming winter solstice, according to Ancient Alien theorists, is going to be a galactic alignment that only occurs every 25,000 or so years. Why the god-like aliens have to wait for this alignment is not clear, although it is related to the so-called House of Aquarius, the dawning new age. Even here is another point of contention – who are the gods and why are they returning?

According to mainstream and also Ancient Alien theorists, nine gods are returning, and we don’t know how friendly, if at all, they will be.

Chris Waite

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