Thursday, 2 January 2014

Sunday December 29th, 2013 Wear Beige and Smile

With only a few days left before my maternity leave comes to an end it's finally setting in, it's happening, I'm going back to work. I've read all the "tips" for what to do and how to prepare for leaving my baby in order to return to work. Leaving my baby is not the problem. Due to extensive coordinating of schedules between my very patient, fantastic, handsome husband (note: he edited this article) and our amazing parents I know our baby will be in great hands. Although I will miss being at home 24/7, more than I can ever articulate, I am, for the first time in over a year, focused solely on me.

What do you mean I have to be at work for 9 am...everyday? I understand that yoga pants are not acceptable attire, but what if they're black? How am I going to go an entire day without napping? And I guess constant snacking at my desk is definitely out of the question. Seriously, how in the heck am I supposed to go back to a practically new career after being off for almost a year?

Just Let Me Lie Down by Kristin van Ogtrop is a dictionary of words and phrases from everyday life defined for just us moms (and sometimes dads). Some of my favourites are:  "brain spins", "existential lethargy" and "mid conversation screen saver" which made me realize that I'm not completely crazy, or at least I'm not the only one.

Curious as to how I measure up, I read through all 101 mistakes included in Nice Girls Don't Get The Corner Office: 101 unconscious mistakes women make that sabotage their career by Lois P. Frankel, Ph.D. Each mistake is explained with a realistic situation followed by tips on how it can be avoided. The information is wide spread, everything from where and how to sit in a meeting to why you should never ever have food on your desk or apply lipstick in public.

Aside from being hilarious, The Joy of Work, Dilbert's guide to finding happiness at the expense of your co-workers by Scott Adams wasn't much help. I'm pretty sure the tips would land me in my boss' office for a stern talking to in record time.

Who knew you could work up an appetite researching work? Off to the cookbooks! The Brown Bag Lunch Cookbook by Miriam Jacobs is full of delicious sounding recipes that will not only make lunch time one of the highlights of my day, but also keep me full and energized all afternoon. Jacobs includes information on a variety of ingredients as well as packing and transporting tips for those easily harmed foods (here's looking at you, banana.)

So the time has come, my first day is here. Armed with new knowledge, a new day planner and travel mug (both adorned with pictures of my husband, baby and dog on the off chance I forget what they look like) and a snazzy new insulated lunch bag, I pin my name tag to my new beige sweater, kiss my family good bye, take a deep breath and...

Chelsea Cernjul-Marsonet

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