Sunday, 31 May 2015

Sunday May 31st, 2015 iHelp

Do you have a smart phone, tablet or eReader that you wish you knew more about?  We can help!  We are pleased to once again partner with TBayTel and Chapters to present two iHelp sessions in early June.  At iHelp you get matched up with a friendly, patient, knowledgeable person who will help you get to know your device.  iHelp sessions are one hour in length, and you can attend with a friend if you like.

Your library offers iHelp programs periodically because we recognize the need for this type of assistance in our community.  When we first offered eBooks we held a lot of group classes to teach people how to access them.  At that time most people who came to the classes had eBook readers.  Over time that shifted and more people had tablets or other devices.  Due to the explosion in the tablet market it became more efficient for us to offer one-on-one help.  Also, when helping people with eBooks they would often ask questions about how their device worked.

Library staff are trained to help with eBooks and other online Library resources, but are not necessarily experts with smart phones or tablets, unless they have their own personal device. This is where our partnerships with TBayTel and Chapters comes in.  TBayTel staff are of course experts with smart phones, and offer the added bonus of being able to explain how their bundles, packages and other unique features work.  Chapters recently added a section to their stores which sells Apple products, and their staff have special training for iPads, iPhone, iPod touches as well as for their full line of Kobo eReaders.

An increasing number of apps are available to access Library resources from smart phones and tablets.  The “online stuff” page on our website includes more information about these apps.  You can find it at  Apps are available for OverDrive and hoopla, which give you access to eBooks, eAudiobooks, movies and music.  There is a Naxos Music Library app with which you can stream classical, jazz, world and pop music.  HistoryPin is an app for history lovers.  Using the location-based technology in your device it shows you historical photos and information about your surroundings.  The Library has added a number of photos from our local history collection to HistoryPin.  HistoryPin includes photos and information from all over the world and is popular with travellers.

In addition to iHelp sessions, hands-on help with devices is available at the library by appointment with our Virtual Services Technician, Margaret.  Margaret can be reached by email at or phone at 345-8275 extension 7251.  She works at all four Library locations and can meet you at your favourite one.  Contact Margaret to register for iHelp as well.

Make new connections with your Library and all the wonderful FREE resources we offer, with your smart phone or tablet.  You can take us with you wherever you go!

Joanna Aegard

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